Drawboard PDF has a number of different shapes available that you can insert into your document.
The shapes available are:
To insert a rectangle you will need to:
- Select the Rectangle tool from the tool menu
- Select the color and the opacity of the rectangle border
- Select the thickness of the rectangle border
- Select the color and opacity of the fill of the rectangle. On Pro Plus and Pro Unlimited plans you can also select a border style, dash pattern and a fill hatch pattern.
- Navigate to the place in the document where you want to insert the rectangle
- With your Pen, finger, or mouse, press and drag until the rectangle is at the desired size
To insert an ellipse you will need to:
- Select the Ellipse tool from the tool menu
- Select the color and the opacity of the ellipse border
- Select the thickness of the ellipse border
- Select the color and opacity of the fill of the ellipse. On Pro Plus and Pro Unlimited plans you can also select a border style, dash pattern and a fill hatch pattern.
- Navigate to the place in the document where you want to insert the ellipse
- With your Pen, finger, or mouse, press and drag until the ellipse is at the desired size
Rectangle Cloud
To insert a rectangle cloud you will need to:
- Select the Rectangle Cloud tool from the tool menu
- Select the color and the opacity of the rectangle cloud border
- Select the thickness of the rectangle cloud border
- Select the color and opacity of the fill of the rectangle cloud. On Pro Plus and Pro Unlimited plans you can also select a border style, dash pattern and a fill hatch pattern.
- Navigate to the place in the document where you want to insert the rectangle cloud
- With your Pen, finger, or mouse, press and drag until the rectangle cloud is at the desired size
Polygon Tool
To insert a polygon you will need to:
- Select the Polygon tool from the tool menu
- Select the color and the opacity of the Polygon border
- Select the thickness of the polygon border
- Select the color and opacity of the fill of the rectangle. On Pro Plus and Pro Unlimited plans you can also select a border style, dash pattern and a fill hatch pattern.
- Navigate to the place in the document where you want to insert the polygon
- With your Pen, finger, or mouse, select the starting point of the shape
- Tap/click on the screen to place each point of the shape
- Connect the last point with the first point to close the shape
To create a shape with underlying PDF content showing through, use Highlight mode.