Drawboard PDF has three types of lines you can insert:
- Straight line
- Polyline
- Arrow
Straight Line
To insert a line onto the document:
- Choose the line tool from the tool menu
- Choose the color, opacity and thickness of the line
- If you are a PRO user you can choose your line style
- Take your pen, mouse or finger and drag along the document where you want to insert the line
- Release the pen, mouse or finger to finalize the position of the line
To insert a polyline onto the document:
- Select the Polyline tool from the tool menu
- Select the color, opacity and thickness of the polyline
- With your Pen, finger, or mouse, select the starting point on the document for the polyline
- Tap/click on the screen to place each point of the polyline
- When you have achieved the desired line, click once more on the last point to finalise the line
To insert an arrow onto the document
- Choose the arrow tool from the tool menu
- Choose the color, opacity and thickness of the line
- Take your pen, mouse or finger and drag along the document where you want to insert the line
- Release the pen, mouse or finger to finalize the position of the line
Line styles, patterns and endings
Line styles can be used on the canvas for various reasons. For example they are a valuable tool to indicate elements on engineering and architectural drawings such as:
- Hidden lines
- Break lines
- Centre lines
On Drawboard PDF there are 3 line variations that users can implement to customize their lines:
- Line styles (dashed and dotted line variations)
- Line endings
- Line patterns
Users can implement any combination of line styles, endings and patterns to create endless variations of custom lines.
To implement line styles, endings and/or patterns to your lines:
- Select the line tool from the tool menu
- In the properties navigate to the Line style dropdown
- Select the style, endings and pattern you want to add to the line
- Draw the line on the page and it will be drawn with your selected styles
You can also change the style of an already drawn line by:
- Selecting the line
- This will launch the context menu
- From the dropdown select the new line style, patterns and endings you would like to apply to the line