The Markup History is a way to understand what is happening on the document. It will the annotations that have been made on a document, and by who.
Accessing the Markup History
- Navigate to the left-hand side menu
- Click on the Search, Markup History and Bookmark icon
- Click on Markup
- This will launch the markup list
Sorting the Markup History
- Click on the dropdown menu
- Select from the following sorting options:
- Date - Newer first
- Date - Older first
- Author- A-Z
- Author -Z-A
- Page - Low to high
- Page - High to low
- This will sort the markup history accordingly
Filtering the Markup History
- Click on the filter button
- This will open a modal where you will be able to:
- Filter the list by Author
- Filter the list by pages
- Filter the list by date
- Filter by a combination of the above
- The list will then be filtered accordingly