Available on: Windows only
The Canvas Navigation Settings allows for customization of how you navigate the canvas using mouse and other controls. By default, the mouse wheel scrolls through the canvas, but this behavior can be changed to zoom in and out instead. Two modes are available to be selected: Zoom and Scroll, each with its own set of configurable options.
💡Zoom and Scroll settings can be customized to match the preferred page mode: Single Page or Continuous Page mode.
Zoom mode
When setting the mouse wheel to Zoom mode, scrolling the wheel zooms in and out of the page helping to focus on details or get a broader view of the document. Zoom to the location the mouse is pointing by hovering the mouse over the content and scrolling the mouse wheel.
Scroll mode
When setting the mouse wheel to Scroll mode, scrolling the wheel moves between pages of the document.
💡When in Scroll mode, hold Ctrl+Scroll to Zoom and vice versa
Middle mouse button
In both Zoom and Scroll mode, the middle mouse button can be configured to function as either the Pan tool or the Lasso tool.
Enable scroll off canvas
This setting enables scrolling outside the canvas, enhancing zooming precision. When active, zooming focuses on the area under the mouse pointer. When inactive, zooming may struggle in certain scenarios due to document boundaries, making this setting ideal for seamless navigation and improved precision.
Invert zooming wheel when zooming
Choose the direction of zoom when scrolling the mouse wheel. By default, scrolling up zooms in, but when the setting is turned on, scrolling up will zoom out.