Available on: Web, iOS and Windows apps
Using drawing and document review statuses can help you more efficiently co-ordinate and manage your review workflow in Drawboard Projects. Once statuses are set, the drawing and document lists can be filtered and sorted to quickly show which drawings are not yet reviewed and need follow-up.
Tip: Read how to use the Assign and Review Status features together to better co-ordinate reviews
Seeing the review status
The review status is shown in the drawing and document lists and when viewing the canvas.
The available statuses are:
- Needs Review
- In Progress
- Reviewed
- Revise & Resubmit
- Approved
Coming soon: Soon you’ll be able to customise these statuses on a per-project basis using the Projects Web app
Setting a review status in the list view
The review status of drawings and documents is shown in the list view as a small coloured button. Items with no status show as grey. Items with a status are coloured and display the status.
To set the status of an individual drawing or document, click or tap its status button then select the new status.
To set the status of several drawings or documents at once, select all of the items then click or tap the Edit Status button at the top of the screen. On iOS, toggle the selection mode icon in the navigation bar to enter select mode.
Tip: Users with Reader access to a project cannot change or clear the review status of any item
Setting review status in the canvas view
In the canvas view, the review status of drawings and documents is shown as a coloured icon in the left toolbar. Click or tap this icon to change the status. In the Web app, hovering over the icon will display the status as a tooltip.
Clearing review status
Status can be cleared completely by clicking or tapping the status button in the list and selecting Clear status, or by selecting all the items you wish to change, clicking the Edit Status button and then selecting Clear status. On iOS, toggle the selection mode icon in the navigation bar to enter select mode.
Sorting and filtering on review status
Being able to quickly identify which drawings still need reviewing can help to shorten review cycles.
In the list view, to display only drawings or documents with a certain status (or with no status assigned), click or tap the Filter button in the navigation bar and then select which status to filter by. On iOS, click the “…” button in the navigation bar and choose Filters.
To sort the list view, click or tap Order By in the navigation bar and select Status. On iOS, click the “…” button in the navigation bar.
Tip: Assign people to drawings and documents to further improve the co-ordination of design reviews