With the Drawboard PDF iManage integration, teams can securely open or create documents from iManage, mark them up and then sync all edits back to iManage for further review or management. The integration is designed to enable teams to collaborate and mark up efficiently on documents while maintaining compliance, streamlining version control and managing risk.
Drawboard PDF enterprise customers can gain access to the Drawboard PDF iManage integration on Windows by contacting their designated account manager. Alternatively, if you are an enterprise customer or would like to learn more about enterprise solutions, contact our sales team at sales@drawboard.com.
In this article, we'll explore how to:
- Switch the iManage integration on
- Open files from your iManage account
- Edit a file from iManage in Drawboard PDF
- Checking out and checking in files
- Sync edits back to iManage
- Save a file from Drawboard PDF to iManage
- Save a new version of your file
- Adding checkout comments
Using the iManage integration
Switch the integration on
To launch DBPDF with the iManage integration switched on for your team, you can launch Drawboard PDF with the command line prompt: drawboardpdf:EnableIManage=true. For details on how to add this to your deployment script, contact your account manager.
Alternatively, once your enterprise build has been installed with the iManage integration, users can switch on the integration by following the steps below:
- From the dashboard, tap the Settings cog in the bottom left corner of your screen
- Select Miscellaneous in the left panel of the Setting modal
- Toggle on Enable iManage integration
Open files from your iManage account
- From the dashboard, tap the green plus icon to open a new document
- Select From iManage
- Follow the prompts to log into your iManage account
- Once you are logged in you will see your iManage dashboard window within the Drawboard PDF app
- From here you can open files that you wish to edit using Drawboard PDF
Edit a file from iManage using Drawboard PDF
To mark up, edit or review a file from iManage in Drawboard PDF:
- From the dashboard, tap the green plus icon to open a new document
- Select From iManage
- Select the document you wish to edit and then tap Open
- You can then use your mark up tools to make changes to the document
Note: Only one person in your team can edit a document at a time. When a file is being edited, a red lock will appear on the document in iManage to indicate that it can only be viewed as a read-only document by other team members.
Checking out and checking in files
A document is checked out when a user opens it from iManage in Drawboard PDF for editing.
When the document is closed, it's checked back in. You can also check a document back in after it is saved by following these steps
- Tap the 3 dots in the LHS menu
- Tap Check in
- Right-click the document tab
- Tap Check in
Sync edits back to iManage
Once you have marked up or made changes to your document in Drawboard PDF, you can then sync your edits back to your iManage account.
- Tap the 3 dots in the left hand side panel
- Select Save and sync
Save a file from Drawboard PDF to iManage
- Open your file in Drawboard PDF
- Tap the 3 dots in the left hand side panel
- Select Save as (iManage). The iManage dashboard window will appear within Drawboard PDF
- Select the folder you wish to add the file to
- Add any necessary details in the right column and then tap Save
You and your team can then access the file from within iManage.
Save as (New Version)
To save a new version of your file:
- Tap the 3 dots in the left hand side panel
- Select Save As (New Version)
A new version of your file will be saved in iManage.
Checkout comments
By default, when checking out a document, users will be asked whether they would like to add a checkout comment. In Settings you can decide what you would like to happen when a document is checked out:
- Add a checkout comment
- Don't add a checkout comment
- Ask me each time
To update this setting:
- Tap the Settings cog in the bottom left corner
- Navigate to Miscellaneous
- Select from the dropdown options under Checkout document behavior