Make sure you have the correct account
As you might know, the Drawboard subscription is linked with your Microsoft Store account and your Drawboard cloud account. Thus, it is important that you are logged in to the correct accounts before upgrading your plan. Firstly, you will need to check which account you are logged in to your Microsoft Store and our Drawboard app (as shown in the image below).
Microsoft Store account
Drawboard Cloud account
Step 1. Choose the right plan
To find the our subscription plans, please navigate to our Manage Subscription button. This is located in your Profile icon (top right) > Profile Settings > Manage Subscriptions.
Pricing Plan
You can find more information regarding our plans and their benefits here!
Step 2. Purchasing your Subscription
When you first purchase our subscription, you will get our 7 days free trials! We will not charge you in your first 7 days of the subscription and you enjoy the benefits of a paid plan for free. So no commitments and you can cancel anytime.
Our subscription is tied with the Microsoft Store and thus you will use your Microsoft account when purchasing our subscription. You will need to go to your Microsoft store account if you want to manage or cancel your subscription.
1. Click Start Trial
2. Follow the Microsoft payment process
3. Click Subscribe
4. You will receive your subscription after several minutes. If you still haven't received, please logout and log back in.
Step 3. Using your subscription on any devices
You can use your subscription on as many devices as you like. All you have to do is login using the same Drawboard Cloud account to your Drawboard app & Microsoft account to your Microsoft Store (If it's on a windows device). If you are trying to connect your subscription to our web or iOS app, simply login using the same Drawboard cloud account to our app. As simple as that!