Team plan account owners can view and manage their plan via the Drawboard PDF web app. Users can view and download invoices, upgrade their plan, manage licenses as well as add and manage users.
To access your plan settings, tap the profile icon in the right of the the top menu and then tap Settings.
From here, you can view and manage your account's:
- Personal information
- Billing
- User Directory
- App settings
Note: If you have a commercial account purchased through our sales team, contact your sales representative to request billing changes and support.
Manage plan
Via the Manage plan section, account owners can:
- Upgrade or change your plan subscription
- Purchase additional licenses
- Update the subscription credit card details
- Add or change your billing contact details
Manage licenses
To add additional licenses
- In your subscription settings, navigate to Billing and then Manage plan
- Tap Manage licenses and then adjust the number of licenses
- Select Add licenses
Update your details
To update your credit card details
- In your subscription settings, navigate to Billing and then Manage plan
- Select Update card details (you will then be directed to our billing system Chargebee where you can update your details)
To add or change your billing contact
- In your subscription settings, navigate to Billing and then Manage plan
- Under Billing email, add the name and billing email of your billing contact
To view your account's invoices
- In your subscription settings, navigate to Billing and then Invoices
- From here admins can search, view and download invoices.
User Directory
Via the User Directory section, admins can view all active users, add new users and disable users.
To Add new users to your teamĀ
- Navigate to Active in the User directory section
- Tap Add members
- Select either Invite users by email or Import email list to import a CSV of email addresses.
- If you have selected to invite users by email, type in the email address of the user you would like to invite, select their role and then tap the plus icon. Add additional email addresses if needed and then send invite
- If you have selected import email list, choose your CSV file and then tap import.
- The added member/s will receive an email inviting them to the account
User roles include:
- MemberĀ
- Admin
- Account owner
Admins can manage user roles and disable users via the Active section of the User directory.