Exports can be performed through the Web application, Windows application, or iOS application, and Drawings and Documents remain unchanged in the project after an export.
Although we recommend keeping all drawings and documents within the Drawboard Projects environment, should you need to download or print them you can do so by exporting your files and then printing from your local computer.
The Project Owner and all Administrators can export both Drawings and Documents, whereas all Collaborators can export only Documents.
On the Windows and iOS apps, basic export functionality is available for drawings and documents: when a document or drawing is exported, a marked up version and an original version of your document or drawing will be sent to your registered email address.
On the web app, there are various export options that you can select from. Once exported, an email with a link to download the selected drawings will appear in your registered email inbox.
In this article we'll run through:
- How to export drawings and documents in Drawboard Projects
- Document export options in the Web app
- Drawing export options in the Web app
- Exporting multiple drawings or documents at once
How to export documents and drawings
To export a document or drawing from the canvas:
- Tap the information icon in the left-hand-side menu
- Select Export
- Select your export options and then Export as PDF or Export as TIFF (export options are available on the web application)
To export a document or drawing from the Documents or Drawings tabs:
- Select your document/s or drawing/s or tap the 3 dots to the right of the drawing or document you would like to export
- Select Export
- Select your export options and then Export as PDF or Export as TIFF (export options are available on the web application)
Exporting a document on the Drawboard Projects web app
When exporting a document on the web application, users can:
Select export inclusions:
- the original document/s + a copy with annotations
- the original document/s only
- the annotated document/s only
- Select which users' annotations you would like included in the export
- Select the document layers that you would like to include
- Select Export as PDF
Exporting a drawing on the Drawboard Projects web app
When exporting a drawing using the web app, Admins can:
Select export inclusions:
- the original drawing/s + a copy with annotations
- the original drawing/s only
- the annotated drawing/s only
- Select which users' annotations you would like included in the export
- Select the layers that you would like to include
Tip: When exporting an individual drawing, users have the option to include either all drawing revisions or only include the current drawing revision. Toggle All revisions off to include individual private or public layers in your export.
Select whether or not you would like to include:
- all drawing revisions
- a CSV of your comment threads
- a CSV of your issues and associated comments
- Select the naming convention of your file name output and then Export as a PDF or as a TIFF
Exporting multiple drawings or documents
- Ensure you are on the Projects page.
- Open either the Drawings or Documents tab.
- Activate the Select drawings mode and select the drawings you wish to export from your project.
- Select the Export option in the action menu that appears across the top of your screen. You should see an alert appear confirming that you wish to export these drawings from your project to your registered email address. If you are on the web app, you can select your export options and then Export as PDF or Export as TIFF.
- An email with a link to download the selected drawings will appear in your registered email inbox.
Note: Exporting individual public and private layers is available on multi-select exports on the Web application only.