You will need to invite users to your project before they will be able to see the project documentation. This invite is sent via email.
Note: Drawboard Projects users who already have an existing account will be automatically added to any projects they are invited to. Team members who do not yet have a Drawboard Projects account will need to accept an email invitation to the project and create a free trial account to be able to access the project.
Invite project members (Web, iOS, Windows 10)
- While in your Project, open the Team tab.
- Select the blue 'Invite people' button
- Search for existing team members from projects and organizations you are a member of, or manually type in the email address of the person you wish to add to your team in the email field.
- Note: To type in multiple emails, use the "," or "return" to separate the email addresses.
- Once you have selected or manually typed in all the project members you wish to invite, choose a permission level for the invitations.
- Administrator - all upload and mark-up rights
- Collaborator - restricted upload rights, full mark-up rights
- Reader - read-only users, no public layer mark-up access, no upload rights
- Select the 'Send Invites' button
Web only: You can also find the same option within a drawing or document
- While in the drawing or document, select the 'Contributors' Icon, then select '+ Add Contributors'
Invite entire team at once (Web)
- If you want to invite your entire Team at once, choose Invite Members and then option below Email address titled 'Invite multiple members via CSV'.
- Download the example Excel .csv file by clicking on the 'Download example' link.
- Once downloaded, fill out the template with your team members' information, and upload by dragging the file into the circle or selecting 'Select from files'.
Invite guests (Web)
- For Guests: After entering an Email address, set your new team member's Permission Level and access Expiry for the project from the single-select options. The available permission options are:
- Collaborator - restricted upload rights, full mark-up rights
- Reader - read-only users, no public layer mark-up access, no upload rights
- More information on Guest invites can be found here
More information on permissions
To find out more about what access each permission level affords, see the User Permissions article.
- Once the email and permission level has been set, ensure you click the Send Invite button to send a project invitation to your team member.
- Your team member will receive an email prompting them to accept your project invitation. Until they accept the invitation, they will appear in the Pending Invites tab on the Team page.